Friday 3 December 2010

Study during Snow

Ms Sunderland's Students

LEAVING CERT ENGLISH:Reread single text eg "Hamlet". If time allows gegin to reread your comparative textx - e.g. Lies of Silence/ How Many Miles. Download and study notes on texts from internet e.g. from Great for lots of subjects.



D10: Use Le Francais Oral to do some oral preparation on: Le Weekend - past weekend, next weekend and every weekend - ie be able to talk about weekends using 3 tenses. Also do some preparation from same book on a typical day in school.

B5: Revise numbers, vocabulary re days, months, food and drink, household chores.

F19: Revision of numbers and vocbulary for directions. General revision of all that has been covered since September.

A3: Continue to read books borrowed for Reading Challenge and any other suitable reading material available.

E16: Revise numbers, days, months etc.


Ms Murphy's Classes

A1 maths to revise chapters 1-5 in preparation for Christmas tests, d10 maths revise chs 1, 2, 4, 5, from discovering maths 1, and the line from project maths book. 3rd yr cspe to revise chapters 1-4 in book.


C9 English Ms O'Brien

Revise poetry: Mid Term Break by Seamus Heaney, Base Details by Siegfried Sassoon: Lessons on

Using one of the above poems, do this exam question- should be at least 1 copy page.

Past exam question: Name a poem you have studied which made you feel sad or angry.


What was the poem about

How did the poet make you feel this sadness or this anger


Ms Cambie McEvoy's Students

sixth year girls doing Social and Scientific home economics;


  • Food Choices
  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Lipids
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins
  • Water

As a practical exercise they could complete Section A ( honours or pass depending which level they wish to take) of the 2010 and 2009 leaving certificate papers.

Junior Certificate students could revise/study th following:

  • Protein
  • Fats
  • Carbohydrates
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins
  • Water

They could complete Section A of examination papers 2010 and 2009 ( honours or pass depending which level they wish to take)

I would suggest they break up study into 30 minute slots with a short break of five minutes between. Vary study activity and use mind maps, making notes etc as study aids.


Ms Sweeneys Classes:

A1 RELIGION :Revise Section A Communities of Faith Part 1 to 5 ( everything) and the work you have completed in Mondays class with Ms Hayden. Revision of what we have completed since September in preparation for Christmas Exams.

C8 and C9 RELIGION :Complete Sections 2 and 3 ( Picture Questions and Comprehension Questions) on the 2010,2009,2008, 2007 Higher Level Religion Papers

D12 and E16: Prepare your Key Assignment " A Reflection on what we have learned in Religion Class " e.g what topics you found interesting and why, any new information you learned etc.

Also C8 And C9 to check email for Section A and B revision notes. Thank you


Mrs Dunne's Students
  • Homework/study for cold spell

E14 Business: Higher Level

Continue with revision of Unit 1,2 and 3 and 4. i.e. chapters 1 to 13.

Ensure that the following questions from Higher level exam papers (available on or from your book of papers) are completed.

1. All the Questions No 1 from section 3 on the higher level papers from year 2010 back toend (or year 2000)

2. All the Questions No 4 from section 3 on the higher level papers from year2010 back end (or year 2000)

E14 BusinessOrdinary Level

Continue with revision of chapters 1 to 13

Ensure thatthe following questions from the Ordinary level past papers (available on or from your book of papers are completed.

All the Quesions No 1 from section 2 from year 2010 back to end (or year 2000)

All the Questions No 4. from section 2 from year 2010 back to end (or year 2000)


Do all the questions No1 from Section C in Link Modules past examination papers from 2010 back to end of papers or year 2000.


Ms McEvoy's Students

Home economics:

1st years: Revise all work in homework copy for Christmas test.

2nd year: Practical cookery for the Christmas celebration will go ahead on Monday - ingredients in school

Look up recipes - Sponge cake and shortbread

Revise for Christmas test- nutrients - protein, fat, carbohydrate

Dietary needs - baby, child, teenagers, adults, elderly

Special diets

5th year: Have written work for practical assignment on Childhood obesity up to date.

Practical cookery class will go ahead on Tuesday.

Revise for Christmas test - nutrients, dietary needs for all ages.


A1 - revise first 3 chapters in book for Christmas test

C9 - Practice writing Notaí , using the outlines in Scaoil Amach É 2.


Ms MacKenna's Students

Leaving Cert Art students.

Would you revise Francis Bacon, Who/ WHEN/ ?etc

Also compose and paint a still life of your own choice.

Junior cert Art students.

You should be working on lots more drawings of your themes.

Everyone should have the image [large A3] finished and samples of the lettering your using about 3inches high coloured.

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